Outdoor Painting Workshop

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I will be teaching a plein air oil painting workshop at Assington Mill in Suffolk on Saturday 17th September 2016. Based at a 17th century watermill in 70 acres of private nature reserve, it would be hard to find a more perfect location to hone your outdoor oil painting skills.

Book Now

Orchard at Assington Mill P1200617

The one day course on Saturday 17th September 2016 will cover the follow topics.

  • Equipment
  • Materials
  • Setting up outside
  • Working methods and techniques
  • Short cuts
  • Finishing paintings on location
  • Getting your wet oil paintings home again

All for just £95 with the added bonus of delicious home-made lunch in the farmhouse kitchen, biscuits and cakes throughout the day.

For those already familiar with outdoor painting this is a great opportunity to paint at this fabulous location and for those a little nervous of working in public this secluded landscape is perfect. We will have the freedom of this 70-acre private nature reserve with stunning views.

Book Now

For online bookings and information please visit AssingtonMill.com.

For information and telephone bookings contact Anne Holden on:
Tel: 01787 229955
Mobile: 07770 550570
Email: info@assingtonmill.com

Craft of The Landscape Painter 2

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